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      加拿大移民及难民保护法(Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, 简称 “IRPA”)的第28条对长久移民居住期的规定是在每5年里的至少730天内满足下列5个条件中其中的1个条件: 1. 居住在加拿大; 2. 在国外与配偶或不成文法配偶生活。 如果长久移民是儿童, 与国外的父母生活。 配偶,不成文法配偶及父母必须是加拿大公民; 3. 在国外为加拿大的公司,联邦政府或省政府的机构全职工作; 4. 在国外与配偶或不成文法配偶生活。 如果长久移民是儿童, 与国外父母生活。 配偶,不成文法配偶及父母必须是加拿大长久移民并为在国外的加拿大公司,联邦政府或省政府的机构全职工作; 5. 满足加拿大移民及难民保护法规定 (Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, 简称 “IRPR”)中提到的其它条件。 原文如下:

28. Residence obligation---(1) A permanent residence must comply with a residency obligation with respect to every five-year period.

(2) Application---The following provisions govern the residency obligation under subsection (1):

(a)    a permanent resident complies with the residency obligation with respect to a five-year period if, on each of a total of at least 730 days in that five-year period, they are

    (i)        physically present in Canada,

    (ii)      outside Canada accompanying a Canadian citizen who is their spouse or common-law partner or, in the case of a child, their parent,

    (iii)     outside Canada employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the federal public administration or the public service of a province,

    (iv)    outside Canada accompanying a permanent resident who is their spouse or common-law partner or, in the case of a child, their parent and who is employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the federal public administration or the public service of a province, or

    (v)      referred to in regulations providing for other means of compliance;


      由于很多长久移民无法满足上述条款中有关在加拿大居住的要求,所以便探讨以满足上述其它不需本人居住在加拿大的方式来达到保持身份这一目的的可行性。 于是,一些人建议这些长久移民先在加拿大设立一个公司,继而在中国设立一个分公司,然后回国为这家分公司工作。 他们以为这样便可满足IRPA第28条中对居住期的要求, 以达到长久移民虽未在加拿大居住但可以继续保持其长久移民身份这一目的。



61 (2) For greater certainty, a Canadian business does not include a business that serves primarily to allow a permanent resident to comply with their residency obligation while residing outside Canada.


      既然IRPA或 IRPR有一些将海外的居住期算作在加居住期的规定,那么到底在什么样的情况下在海外居住的时间才能算作在加居住的时间呢?对于这个问题,加拿大现有的法律条款或者说成文法没有提供任何答案。事实上,IRPA的第28条款及IRPR的第61条款是加拿大移民法中有关居住责任全部条款。但我们在加拿大的案例法里找到了对于读者的这一问题的答案。这个答案是加拿大联邦法院在Re: Koo中做出的。Re: Koo是判断在海外的居住期在何种情况下可以算做为在加居住期的经典案例,加拿大法院在此以后的所有关于居住期的判决中均以该判决中提出的6个衡量标准作为新的判决的标准。这6个标准是:

 1. 当事人去海外之前在加拿大是否居住了比较长的时间?法院在判决中明确指出,这是在决定长久居民在海外居住的时间是否应算为在加居住这个问题时必须考虑的因素。换言之,这对那些去了加拿大不久便去海外为加拿大公司工作的人是及其不利的一个标准; 2. 当事人的家庭成员居住地在哪里?如果家庭成员居住在加拿大对当事人将是一个有利的条件;3. 当事人来往于加拿大的方式是否能够说明当事人视加拿大为家还是视加拿大为旅游地?法院在考虑这一问题时主要看当事人是否在加有房产,家具,车辆及相关因素;4. 在海外的时间多长?很显然,在海外的居住期越长,对当事人越不利;5. 在海外的居住的原因是否由一个短暂的因素引起?如果由于一个临时性的原因,譬如上学,照看生病的家人等而居住在国外则对当事人有利;6. 当事人与加拿大之间的联系的质量。这里法院主要指的是当事人与加拿大之间的联系是否多于,重于,好于当事人与海外居住国的联系。法院对6个标准的总结如原文下:

The following questions were formulated to assist in the determination of whether Canada is where the applicant "regularly, normally or customarily lives" or is the country in which he has centralized his mode of existence: (1) was the individual physically present in Canada for a long period prior to recent absences which occurred immediately before the application for citizenship? (2) where do the applicant's immediate family and dependants reside? (3) does the pattern of physical presence in Canada indicate a returning home or merely visiting the country? (4) what is the extent of the physical absences? (5) is the physical absence caused by a temporary situation? (6) what is the quality of the connection with Canada: is it more substantial than that which exists with any other country? The quality of the person's connection with Canada must demonstrate a priority of residence in Canada (a more substantial connection with Canada than with any other place).



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